SEL Mechanical tradespeople are IQP Registered and are able to take care of all your IQP needs.
An Independent Qualified Person (IQP) is a tradesperson who is registered and qualified to carry out any performance inspection, maintenance, reporting or recommendation for an amendment to a Compliance Schedule.
A Compliance Schedule is a document issued by Council for a public and commercial building if it contains any specific systems. The Compliance Schedule will contain the systems and features including the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures needed to keep them in good working order.
A Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) is the building owner's signed statement that the requirements of the Compliance Schedule have been fully met. It must have attached to it all the Certificates of Compliance documents issued by the IQP, certifying that the inspection, maintenance and reporting procedures stated in the Compliance Schedule, have been fully complied with during the previous 12 months.
You are required to have a Building Warrant of Fitness if your building contains any of the following specified systems:
- Automatic systems for fire suppression
- Cable Car
- Automatic or manual emergency warning system for fire or other dangers
(other than a warning system for fire that is entirely within a household unit and services only that unit) - Electromagnetic or automatic doors or windows
- Emergency lighting systems
- Escape routes pressurisation systems
- Riser main for fire service use
- Any automatic backflow preventers connected to potable water supply
- Lifts, escalators, travelators or other systems for moving people or goods within buildings
- Mechanical ventilation or air conditioning systems
- Building maintenance units providing access to exterior and interior walls of buildings
- Laboratory fume cupboards
- Audio loops or other assistive listening systems
- Smoke control systems
- Means of escape from fire
- Emergency power systems for or signs relating to, a system or feature specified in any clauses above.